Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolve to smell better in the New Year and some great kit pics

When I first smelled Lacoste Essential at the gentlemen's fragrance counter in Dillards - I put it on my Christmas wish list - and my lovely wife came through.  It's got a great citrus fragrance very much like Royall Lime.

I'm also partial to Old Spice (really), and I was able to find Canoe at one of those mall kiosks selling fragrances named after rock stars.

You may fall head over heels for this "eau de toilette pour homme" - and you may not.  But could I just ask one favor?  - Like it or not, don't go overboard as this fellow did.  Extreme anything isn't good!

Moving onward (as my friend ADG likes to say) - I came across some shots of some good-looking menswear via other blog posts - thanks to them, I'm reposting them here. (I'll take them down if I've offended the photographer or rights holder).  These have that zazing factor I'm so fond of.  Take a gander:

Happy New Year everyone! 


K.S.Anthony said...

Happy New Year, old sport.

Toad said...

Thank you for a great read and a wonderful year.

Jim Grillo said...


I have a sport jacket and vest very similar to the green plaid one in the photo. I have had it for many years, only problem I get laughed at every time I wear it.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Great pics! I too like the Lacoste fragrance. Where did you find the pic of the chap in blackwatch blazer fondling a set of kudu horns? I love that photo.

Silk Regimental said...

KSA -- Thanks man -- and a Happy 2011 to you - hope you get some sleep.

Toad - I check you blog everyday - and I always enjoy/chuckle at something you post. So - all the best for the New Year!

Jim - I get laughed at daily - and my middle finger pops up - suggest you do the same - I'm sure you look fantastic in the plaid. Have you shoveled out yet?

Laguna Fogey -- I've had that photo for quite some time -- so I can't really say where I swiped it from - but glad you like it and feel free to to swipe it from me. Happy New Year sir.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Thanks. Happy New Year to you too!